Kamis, 26 Februari 2009
Kesal !!!!!!!!
Jadilah kutulis disini.
UNAS satu hal yang buat aku pusing. Bukan karena takut nggak lulus (gini2 aku yakin lulus) tapi, kalau UNAS berakhir smp berakhir. Padahal aku baru ngerasa nyaman banget di SMP, nggak taunya udah mau lulus. Kalau lulus nanti aku bakal susah ketemu temen2 cewek2 ku (kalau buat temen cowoku yang nakal2 aku seneng kok kepisah dari mereka). Dan yang paling aku sedihin tu aku harus ninggalin warnet sekolah tempat aku ngeblog slama ini.
HIks hiks hiks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Makanya aku mau pakai warnet sepuas puasnya sebelum aku serius ujian.
Tapi kenapa warnet sekolahku ditutup, dan cuma boleh dipakai pas jam pelajaran.
Denger dari angin ya ini semua disebapin sama anak kelas satu kagak tau siapa namanya.
Kesal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya tapi untunglah aku masih bisa ngeblog di tempat lain.
NB : Harap tidak ditertawakan tulisan nggak penting
Slumdog Millionaire

Awal sceen-nya dia lagi diinterogasi plus disiksa sama polisi, ternyata dituduh curang di kuis yang terkenal “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”. Karena kok bisa anak berumur 18 tahun dan tak berpendidikan bisa jawab hampir semua pertanyaan di kuis itu.
Nahh… jalan cerita film ini menceritakan bagaimana si Jamal Malik bisa jawab semua pertanyaan itu, yang ternyata adalah kisah hidupnya dia.
Pertanyaan pertama ” Siapa aktor India terkenal tahun 70an?”
Kembali ke masa kecil si Malik, masa kecilnya tinggal di lingkungan kumuh, buang air besar mirip2 di tempat kumuh di indonesia ini juga.
Jamal lama banget “nongkronk” di dalam, bikin kesal penjaga (seperti WC umum yang harus bayar). Karena harus kehilangan customer. Karena kesalnya, si Jamal di kunci di dalam WC, padahal tepat saat itu Amithab Bachan (mudah2an benar nih nulis namanya) berkunjung ke kampung mereka.
Jamal adalah fans beratnya, sambil mengeluarkan dari kantongnya foto si bintang pujaan, dan mengangkatnya tinggi-tinggi diapun terjun kebawah, ya tempat tampungan kotoran itu. Badannya tenggelam di kotoran yang selamat cuma tangannya yang menggenggam foto pujaannya itu.
Dengan berlari -lari Jamal kecil menuju kerumunan orang, jelas aja dia gampang masuk ke kerumunan, wong ujung kaki sampai ujung kepalanya penuh dengan kotoran, alias taik, cuma tangan yang genggam foto si idola yang selamat, dan diapun mendapatkan tanda tangan si bintang pujaan.
Ini si adegan favoritku, asli lucu banget……
Pertanyaan “Apa yang ada di tangan patung Rama?”
Kalo aku ga salah ini pertanyaannya..
Dan teringat kembali masa kecil Jamal bersama kakak laki-lakinya, sewaktu terjadi kerusuhan agama Hindu - Islam di perkampungan mereka dan membuat ibu mereka meninggal. Sewaktu melarikan diri bersama kakaknya disitulah dia melihat patung Rama dan mengingatnya,jadi bisa jawab pertanyaan kuis itu.
Sewaktu melarikan diri itu mereka bertemu dengan Latika yang menjadi teman mereka, Jamal bilang sama kakaknya kalau mereka bertiga akan seperti The Three Musketeers (buku favoritnya selama di sekolah yang hanya sebentar itu). Dia jadi Athos, kakaknya Salim jadi Porthos.
Aku ga gitu ingat semua pertanyaan selama di Film itu..
Sebagai yatim piatu, mereka bertiga menjadi pemulung, yang akhirnya diambil oleh Maman. Awalnya mereka memuji Maman sebagai orang yang baik. Padahal mereka akan dikelola Maman sebagai pengemis jalanan. (kirain cuma ada di Indonesia doankkk kayak gini…)
Malah lebih parahnya, si Maman itu ngetest siapa yang paling pintar menyanyi, anak-anak pun semangat latihan, termasuk Jamal. Ternyata yang pintar menyanyi akan dibuat buta dengan memakai air keras (penyanyi buta akan mendatangkan setoran besar buat si Maman), di saat itulah mereka bertiga melarikan diri dari Maman, walaupun ternyata Latika lepas dari genggaman Salim sewaktu mereka mengejar kereta.
Jamal sangat khawatir, dan terus2 menerus teringat akan Latika, di sini mereka masih kecil mungkin 7 tahun gitu dehh….
Tapi Latika baik-baik saja diperlakukan oleh Maman, walaupun ujung-ujungnya tidak baik, karena Maman berencana memelihara Latika, melatihnya menari, dan akan dijual, karena gadis perawan akan berharga mahal di bisnis prostitusi.
Jamal dan kakaknya sebagai anak jalanan benar-benar berkelana, dari menjadi seorang tour guide gadungan di Taj Mahal, sampe jadi copet.
Suatu waktu Jamal bertemu dengan temannya yang dikelola Maman, menjadi peminta-minta sambil menyanyi dan pastinya buta, dari sinilah dia dapat info di mana Latika berada.
Jamal dan kakaknya pun pergi mencari Latika, ternyata dia berada di tempat prostitusi dan sedang dilatih menari. Kakaknya Jamal ini memang bakat jadi Mafia, di sinilah dia menembak kepala Maman, dengan tampang santai seperti pembunuh berdarah dingin.
Tapi entah apa yang ada di otak Salim kakaknya Jamal, dia mengusir Jamal dan menodongkan pistol di kepala Jamal, Latika pun mengalah, dia menyuruh Jamal pergi dan membiarkan dirinya bersama Salim.
Beberapa tahun berjalan, dan Jamalpun menjadi seorang penyaji teh di sebuah call center (kayak OB githu dehh..), dari sinilah dia mencari nomer telpon Salim dan menyimpannya.
Dia menelpon Salim, dan Salim mengajak dia bertemu. Dan tetap Jamal menanyakan mengenai Latika.
Salim hanya menjawab: ” Still????”
Ternyata Latika tinggal di rumah mewah, bersama Mafia India ( ya iyalah masa Mafia hongkong ya hehehe)aku lupa namanya siapa. (mungkin dia jadi kayak istri simpanan). Dan Salim menjadi tangan kanan mafia tersebut.
Jamal mengajak Latika lari tapi Latika tidak mau. Jamal bilang “temui aku di stasiun jam 5, aku tiap hari akan menunggumu tiap hari jam 5 di sana.”
Ternyata Latika datang ke stasiun, tapi sayang ketahuan sama mafia itu, diapun diambil paksa oleh mafia-mafia itu.
Rumah yang ditempati Latika kosong, mereka pindah.
Nah untuk tahu Latika di mana makanya si Jamal ikut kuis itu, supaya Latika bisa lihat dirinya.
Dan hampir semua pertanyaan-pertanyaan bisa dia jawab,tapi malah pertanyaan yang sangat gampang tidak bisa dia jawab, itu kenapa dia dicurigai curang.
Dia diinterogasi itu pada saat besoknyanya dia harus kuis lagi, tinggal satu pertanyaan lagi tapi durasi habis. (yang sering nonton kuis tsbt pasti ngerti)
Dia dilepaskan polisi, dianggap tidak curang.
Sewaktu kuis ini berlangsung Latika menonton, tapi dia masih disekap oleh mafia.
Ternyata Salim masih punya hati diapun membiarkan Latika pergi dan memberikan handphone-nya pada Latika.
Nah pertanyaan terakhir untuk menang di Kuis tersebut. ” The Three Musketeers :Athos, Porthos dan satu lagi adalah……”
Jamal tidak tahu pertanyaan itu dan dia menggunakan opsi terakhir yaitu call a friend. Dia menelpon Salim, tapi karena handphone Salim sudah diberikan ke Latika, Latika yang mengangkat. Jamal sangat senang bisa bicara dengan Latika, walaupun Latika tidak tahu jawabannya.
JAmalpun hanya menebak saja, untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu. Dia tidak peduli yang terkumpul sebelumnya akan hangus bila jawabannya salah. Toh tujuannya untuk ikut kuis sudah ia dapatkan yaitu Latika.
Ternyata tebakannya benar yaitu Aramis, dan diapun memenangkan kuis tersebut.
Sedangkan Salim? Dia bunuh diri.
Happy ending, Latika dan Jamal bertemu di stasiun.
Menurutku film ini wajib tonton, ceritanya bagus, gambarnya juga bagus, dan jangan takut bagi yang tidak begitu suka “bergoyang” tidak ada acara ngiterin pohon atau tiang kok selama jalan cerita. hehehhe
Tapi bagi yang suka, anda jangan kecewa, diakhir film tarian ala film India itu disajikan, Latika dan Jamal beserta penari lain menari di stasiun.
So everybody happy…….
btw ada ga cinta seperti cintanya Jamal? walaupun bagaimana terus mencintai Latika, udah jadi simpanan orang, harus berjuang mati-matian, tetap aja masih cinta
Kalau ada, tolong bungkus satu buat aku yahh… ^^VFilm Terbaik Oscar 2009

Slumdog Millionaire bercerita tentang Jamal, seorang anak jalanan yang menang dalam acara kuis ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ versi India. Uniknya, Jamal menang bukan karena dia terpelajar, tetapi karena setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan selalu mengingatkannya pada sejadian di masa lalu. Jadilah film ini kerap flashback mulai dari Jamal masih kecil, ABG, sampai dewasa. Uniknya lagi, Jamal ikut kuis ini bukan karena ingin jadi milyuner, tetapi karena ia ingin mencari kekasihnya Latika. Setiap flashback yang ada, selalu merujuk pada kejadian ketika dia mencari Latika. Dia berharap, dengan mengikuti kuis ini, Latika akan melihatnya dan akan tahu di mana dirinya. Ending cerita memuaskan penonton (dan pembaca), happy ending, tentu saja. Jamal bertemu dengan Latika, juga memenangkan kuis hadiah utama. Seorang anak jalanan yang tiba-tiba kaya raya gara-gara ikut kuis.
Film/buku ini mungkin bisa disebut sebagai road-story, bagaimana Jamal mencari orang yang dicintainya dengan berragam cara. Begitu hampir ketemu, pasti ada hal yang memisahkan mereka lagi. Ya, kalo versi kecilnya mungkin kira-kira seperti reality show ‘Termehek-Mehek’. Sejak awal, penonton diajak bersimpati dengan tokoh Jamal. Cerita tentang orang kecil yang meraih kebahagiaan (terutama kekayaan) memang drama yang tak pernah mati untuk urusan menguras emosi.
Pemenang Oscar 2009

Usai sudah hajat insan film paling akbar sejagat, Academy Award yang tahun ini sudah kali ke-81. Disiarkan dari gedung Kodak Theatre, Hollywood, California akhir pekan lalu waktu setempat (22/2), sejumlah kejutan muncul di sana. Sebut saja film Slumdog Millionaire yang meraih 8 piala Oscar, salah duanya untuk film terbaik dan sutradara terbaik. Kemudian aktor dan aktris terbaik diraih masing-masing oleh Sean Penn dan Kate Winslet. Disusul kemudian oleh almarhum Heath Ledger yang menjadi aktor pendukung terbaik dan Penelope Cruz yang menjadi aktris pendukung terbaik.
Best Motion Picture of the Year
Kamis, 19 Februari 2009
Kgotboda Namja

the korean version of Hana Yori Dango is scheduled to air on January 5, 2009 (Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:55pm) on KBS2, for an expected 24 episodes.

Lee Min Ho will play the Japanese manga role of “Tsukasa” aka “Goo Joon Pyo”, the heir to the Shinhwa Group Enterprises and F4 leader.
Kim Bum will play the role of "Soujiro" aka “Seo Lee Jung”
Kim Jun will play the role of "Akira" aka “Song Woo Bin”
Kim Hyun Joong will play the role of my favorite HYD character "Rui" aka “Yoon Ji Hoo”
and Goo Hye Sun's playing the role of "Makino" aka "Geum Jan Di"

Korea Version
Popular Japanese anime, Hanayori Dango will be adapated into a Korean drama. The Taiwanese and Japanese version of the television drama has achieved phenomenal ratings during its run and the Japanese version which was shown on cable television achieved pretty good ratings and earning lots of fans in the process. The company which will be producing this is Group Eight whose previous works were Goong S: Prince Hours and Fantasy Couple. The Japanese rights holder decided to work with Group Eight after learning about it’s production capability after viewing Goong S.
By releasing this exciting news first, Group Eight has created lots of anticipation and hype over who will be taking the roles ahead of the actual casting. Many netizens in fact are already posting and discussing furiously over who their ideal cast should be since the news broke yesterday.
With regards to the Korean F4, the production team revealed, “We will be choosing based on their similarities with the anime characters. We won’t be choosing based on how popular or how well-known they are.” The Korean version of Hanayori Dango is set at 24 episodes, each clocking in at 70 minutes and will be shown on television in the latter part of 2008.
The following are early picks by fans since the news broke:

Makino Tsukushi/杉菜
1. Yoon Eun Hye
2. Goo Hye Sun
3. Sung Yuri
4. Moon Geun Young
5. Go Ah Ra
6. Kim Ok Bin
7. Lee Yeon Hee
8. Park Min Young
9. Jeon Ryeo Won
10. Lee Ha Na
11. Han Ji Min
Doumyouji Tsukasa/道明寺
1. Jo In Sung
2. Kang Dong Won
3. Lee Dong Gun
4. Jang Hyuk
5. Hyun Bin
6. Joo Ji Hoon
7. Lee Dong Gook
Hanazawa Rui/花泽类
1. Im Joo Hwan
2. Choi Si Won
3. Jang Geun Seuk
4. Kim Hee Chul
5. Kim Kibum
6. Han Kyung
7. Lee Hong Gi
I personally feel that it would be hard to assemble a cast of well-knowns since their schedules would definitely clash. As long as the person picked isn’t too “old” for the role since it’s a school setting drama, I would be ok with it.
Korea Version F4
What horrible timing following Choi Jin-shil’s shocking death, because now it’s hard to get that excited about news I/we have been waiting forever to hear, which is the announcement of the “F4″ guys in the Korean Hana Yori Dango, aka Boys Before Flowers.
Although it was floated around that the casting would comprise mostly pop idol stars, it turns out (for the better, imo), that we’re split half-half between idols and actors (the two rising actors at least have a decent amount of experience — for their age, I mean).
- First is F4 leader in the Tsukasa role, aka actor Lee Min-ho (above left).
- Kim Hyun-joong, idol singer of pop boy band SS501, takes on the role of Rui.
- Kim Bum (!!!), at above right, is most recently of East of Eden and the biggest surprise for me — and a pleasant one at that, since he’s proved he can act. He’s Soujiro.
- And, finally, Kim Joon is the least-known of the F4 boys, as Akira.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

The BlackBerry is a wireless handheld device introduced in 1999 as a two-way pager. In 2002, the more commonly known smartphone BlackBerry was released, which supports push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing and other wireless information services as well as a multi-touch interface. It is an example of a convergent device. Developed by the Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM), it delivers information over the wireless data networks of mobile phone service companies. BlackBerry first made headway in the marketplace by concentrating on e-mail. RIM currently offers BlackBerry e-mail service to non-BlackBerry devices, such as the Palm Treo, through the BlackBerry Connect software. The original BlackBerry device had a monochrome display, but all current models have color displays.
While including PDA applications (address book, calendar, to-do lists, etc.) as well as telephone capabilities on newer models, the BlackBerry is primarily known for its ability to send and receive e-mail wherever it can access a wireless network of certain cellular phone carriers. It has a built-in QWERTY keyboard, optimized for "thumbing", the use of only the thumbs to type. System navigation is primarily accomplished by a scroll ball in the middle of the device (older devices used a track wheel on the side). Some models (currently, those manufactured for use with iDEN networks such as Nextel and Mike) also incorporate a Push-to-Talk (PTT) feature, similar to a two-way radio.
Modern BlackBerry handhelds incorporate an ARM 7 or 9 processor, while older BlackBerry 950 and 957 handhelds used Intel 80386 processors. The latest GSM BlackBerry models (8100, 8300 and 8700 series) have an Intel PXA901 312 MHz processor, 64 MB flash memory and 16 MB SDRAM.[2] CDMA BlackBerry smartphones are based on Qualcomm MSM6x00 chipsets which also include the ARM 9-based processor and GSM 900/1800 roaming (as the case with the 8830).[3][4] The devices are very popular with some businesses, where they are primarily used to provide e-mail access to roaming employees. To fully integrate the BlackBerry into a company's systems, the installation of BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) is required.
Rabu, 04 Februari 2009
Lirik Lagu Sassy Girl
Oleh: Lim Hyung Joo
ku nun-sogeso nonun tto tareun gosul bomyo usosso…
kuronun niga nomu miwoso nado ttara urosso
kuriwo nan niga nomu chitkidorok na apado
na chugosodo nae saranguro no haengbo-khagil barae
ahh.. ahh.. ahh.. ahh.. ahhh.. ahhh..aahh..aahh
himiduro torabomyon na kogiye nuromnun-gol
ku goseda namgyodugo un ni nunmul ttae-mune
na ttonan chariye no honja tulsu opso
issotdon-ge… ijenun nol nomu saranghae
kalsu omnun iyul tae-sso
kuriwo nan niga nomu chitkidorok na apado
na chugosodo nae saranguro no haengbo-khagil barae
no haengbo-khagil barae…haengbo-khagil barae
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
You turn your head and crying
I hate you being like this, that’s why I’m crying too
I’m missing you, missing you so much that I’m hurt
Hope you’ll be happy with my love even if I’m dead
Turn your head if you’re tired, I’ll be there
Because I left your tears behind
I left you first because I don’t want to see you alone…
Since now I can’t love you anymore
I’m missing you so much that I’m hurt
I hope you’ll be happy with my love even if I’m dead
I Hope you’ll be happy….hope you’ll be happy
Chayurowa Il
Oleh: Jiny
Nan Nan Nan Nan
Nan Nan Nan Nan
mu-osul sontae-khadon kugon nae ma-umiya
surirul chil-lodae-don maldon
onu nugu-kedo sokhal su nun opt-janha
nan hanayi kudae-nikka
cha ije wichyobwayo
nan nan nan nan chayurowa!
nae saenggang / nae haeng-dong nae modun-koshi
hey hey hey hey hey woohh!
mworago nal sogidon / tweyeso nal yo-khadon
kunyang shin-gyong-sseu-jimayo
modun saramdu-rege / in-changbadulsun opso
kunyang da mushi-haebolyo
kurigo wichyobwayo
nan nan nan nan chayurowa!
nae saenggang / nae haeng-dong nae modun-koshi
hey hey hey hey hey woohh!
Nan Nan Nan Nan (Nan Nan Nan Nan)
Nan Nan Nan Nan (Nan Nan Nan Nan)
nan nan nan nan chayurowa!
nae saenggang / nae haeng-dong nae modun-koshi
hey hey hey hey hey woohh!
Nan Nan Nan Nan
Nan Nan Nan Nan
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
I’m free to have anything
No matter I’ve shouted out loud or not
I’m not belong to anyone
Because you’re the best
Come and shout with me,
nan nan nan nan, I’m free!
my mind, action, everything
hey hey hey hey hey woohh!
no matter annoyed they are,
I don’t care
we won’t be praised anyway
so just shout and ignore them
nan nan nan nan, I’m free!
my mind, action, everything
hey hey hey hey hey woohh!
Nan Nan Nan Nan (Nan Nan Nan Nan)
Nan Nan Nan Nan (Nan Nan Nan Nan)
nan nan nan nan, I’m free!
my mind, action, everything
hey hey hey hey hey woohh!
Eung Geup Shil
Oleh: Izi
Kuhoe hago issoyo
uri tatuteon keu nal
kwaenhan chajunshim ttaemune
kkeut na chago mareul hae peorin goya
Keumbang pol chul arasseo
nal chajgil paraesseo
heona myeochili chinado
amu soshik chocha opso
Hangsang naege neomu chalhaejeoseo
swipge sanggakhaess na pwa
ijen ara nae kochib taemune
himteurossteon noreul
I paboya chintcha aniya
ajikdo nareul keurohke molra
noreul kajin sarang na pakke ops neunde
chebal nareul tteona kachima
Onjerado nae pyeoni toejun neo
komaun chul moreugo
cheol opsi na meosdaero hangeo
yongseo halsu ops ni
I paboya chintcha aniya
ajikdo nareul keurohke molar
noreul kajin sarang na pakke ops neunde
chebal nareul tteona kachima
Neo hanaman sarangha neunde
idaero nareul tugo kachima
nareul peorichima keunyang kkok anajwo
tashi sarang hage torawa..
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
I feel so regret right now
on the day we argued
I left you because of my useless pride
I still don’t have the courage to hold you, I see you leaving me behind
I thought I’m going to see you now
I hope you’ll come for me
But after so long
there’s still no words from you
You treat me so well
but I don’t appreciate it
but now I understand
you’re suffering because of my stubbornness
Idiot, that’s not true
you still can’t understand me?
Your love only belongs to me
Please don’t leave me
You’re always by my side
but I never appreciate it
can you forgive
an idiot like me?
Idiot, that’s not true
you still can’t understand me?
Your love only belongs to me
Please don’t leave me
I only love you
please don’t leave me
please don’t push me aside please hug me closely
Return back to me so I can love you again
Mianhaeya Hanun-goni
Oleh: As One
mian-han-goni mian-haeya hanun-goni
nol saranghage dweborin-gol
nae sarangi nol / manhihim-tulge
handanun-gol almyonsodo
ajikdo po-dae-chido mothago-isso
iron-nal i-hyae-handamyon
chogum man-nada on-nago hae-do
na yongso-hae chamshiman do
anirago an-dwendago
nae nunul kalyodo nonun
issot-go ham-gge-haeso apa-hamyo
sarado kugot-manuro haeng-bo-khae-sso
nae dogwerul damaga tut-ji-anhado
onjena nae-ge marul-haet-go
chiwojiji anh-nundamyon
ijen chongmal saranghago-shipo
anirago an-dwendago
nae nunul kalyodo nonun
issot-go ham-gge-haeso apa-hamyo
sarado kugot-manuro haeng-bo-khae-sso
anirago an-dwendago
nae nunul kalyodo nonun
issot-go ham-gge-haeso apa-hamyo
sarado kugot-manuro haeng-bo-khae-sso
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
Do I have to apologize? Should I apologize?
I’m falling in love with you
I know my love
has made you suffer
But I can’t forget you
If you could understand me
Please forgive me
although I’m crying again
Although it’s wrong, I can’t
Although I closed my eyes
I still can see you
Although I’ve suffered with you but I’m happy thinking of it
Eventhough I closed my ears,
I still hear your voice
since I can’t forget you
I’m going to love you
Although it’s wrong, I can’t
Although I closed my eyes
I still can see you
Although I’ve suffered with you but I’m happy thinking of it
Although it’s wrong, I can’t
Although I closed my eyes
I still can see you
Although I’ve suffered with you but I’m happy thinking of it
Oleh: Kim Hyung-sup
ijuchumeso nol saranghae-do tweni
aju chogumwe nipumeso
nal namkyudo ttonakandamyon
nae mamapun-go charal-janha
saranghaeyo dashi shija-khaeyo
himdul-geman-haet-don kudae-ji-man
I love my friend no animyon an-dwae
uri sarangun chong-hae-jyo-bori-nun-myo-ngin-gol
nol him-dulke han nun-mul-kka-jido
ijen nae-ga chonbu gapul-kkeyo
nae-ga kippun gon naye gu usumi
chigum nal dal-ma it-danun got
saranghaeyo dashi shija-khaeyo
himdul-geman-haet-don kudae-ji-man
I love my friend no animyon an-dwae
uri sarangun chong-hae-jyo-bori-nun-myo-ngin-gol
chigum-chorom-man sarang-hae-yo dashi shija-khae-yo
himdul-geman haet-don kudae-jiman
I love my friend no-animyon an-dwae
modun gol it-go haeng-bo-kha-geman hae-julkke
saranghaeyo dashi shija-khaeyo
himdul-geman-haet-don kudae-ji-man
I love my friend no a-nimyon an-dwae
uri sarangun chong-haejyo bori-nun-myo-ngiya
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
I can love you now
with my embrace
if you leave me alone
you know that I’m going to suffer
I love you, let us start again
although it’s hard
I love my friend but I only want you
Is our love a written fate?
Let me take care of those tears that’s suffering you,
The tears that suffering you I’ll return it all back to you now
I’m concern of your smile
Its similar to me now
I love you, let us start again
although it’s hard
I love my friend but I only want you
Is our love a written fate?
I love you, let us try again
Although you are tiring me
I love my friend but I only want you
Our love is God’s fate
Oleh: Park Yong Suk
ajing satun saeng-gakgwa noye ku pyo-jongun
maji-magin-got-chorom boyo
nomu bura-nhan-dot na-rul china-jyotdon
ku ma-nhatdon shigan chogi noryodoji
noye bur-haeng-han we tae-reum-don son-chit
tashi ddo hanbon na-reul nomu himdeul-ke-man-hae
kitaryo bujiman imi china-borin yasok
ttae-ron modun-gol chuginun deut u-gon-hae
aju orae-tongan nae-ge mar-haet-ji
hwanandot cholmo-run kkomakatdago
daga-reul nae-il tto musuniri ol-kka
buran-hae chamdon nae mo-seub
ije kuman-hae nae-ge mar-hae
hwakanan nayege dachim-hadushi
taga-ul nae-il ku shigani omyon
chijyotdon na-reul we-rohae jur-yom
noye jjalmun saeng-gakgwa noye ku pu-ojong-eun
ije to-i-sang opdot boryo
chom do saeng-gak-hae-bwa china watdon ildul
ku manhatdon shigan baryodoji malgo
(Repeat 3x) noye bur-haeng-han we tae-reum-don son-chit
tashi ddo hanbon na-reul nomu himdeul-ke-man-hae
kitaryo bujiman imi china-borin yasok
ttae-ron modun-gol chuginun deut u-gon-hae
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
Your young mind and expression
It seems like it’s the last time
As if we’ve passed by each other
The unspoken moment has stopped
The signs that worrying my heart
Making me suffering
I’m trying to wait, but the promise has expired
Sometimes I’m smiling as if enjoying everything
We talked for so long
I’m the childish boy
What is going to happen tomorrow?
I can’t sleep
Stop everything for me
as if giving a promise to the angry me
if the time comes
please treat my tired heart
hope that you can forget it
just think of our happy memories
don’t forget the precious moment
The signs that worrying my heart
Making me suffering
I’m trying to wait, but the promise has expired
Sometimes I’m smiling as if enjoying everything
Lagu Tambahan
Nuhl Sarang Hae Gessuh (Wedding Song)
Vocal: Zoo
Neh Ddeu Guh Oon Eeb Sool Ee Nuh Eh
Boo Deu Ruh Oon Eeb Sool Eh Dahkil Wuhn Hae
Neh SarangEe Nuh eh Ka Seum Eh John Hae Jee Do Ruk
Akijdo Na Eh Maeum Eul MoReuGo Is Suh Da Myuh Neun
Ee She Sang Keu Noo Goo BoDa, Nuhl Sarang Hagessuh
Nuhl Sarang HaGessuh Onjekajina
Nuhl Sarang Hagessuh Jigeum Ee Soon Gan Chuh Rum
Ee Sehsang Geu Noo Goo Boda, Nuhl Sarang Hagessuh
Uhryuh Oon Ye giro Nuh Eh Ho Gi Shime Eul JaGeuKal SooDo Issuh
Geu Heun Han Yoo Eh Ro Ee BamEul Bonel Soo do Issuh
Hajiman Na eh MaeumEul EejehNeun AhrajwosseuMyun Hae
Ee Sehsang Keu NooGoo Boda, Nuhl Sarang HaGessuh
Nuhl Sarang HaGessuh Onjekajina
Nuhl Sarang HaGessuh Jigeum Ee Soon Gan Chuh Rum
Ee Sehsang Geu Noo Goo Boda, Nuhl Sarang Hagessuh
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
My warm lips hoping
to touch you soft lips
So that my true love can reach to your heart
If you still don’t know how I feel about you
I love you more than anyone in this world
I want to love you forever
I’ll love you just like now
I love you more than anyone in this world
I could have you with hard words
I could just let this night pass by
But I want you to know my heart now
I love you more than anyone in this world
I want to love you forever
I’ll love you just like now
I love you more than anyone in this world
Lirik Lagu My Sassy Girl
Oleh: Shin Seung Hoon
I believe keu daen kyeod eh eop ji man
ee dae roh ee pyeol eun ah ni ket chyo
I believe na eh geh oh neun gil eun
cho geum meol ri dol ah ol poon ee ket chyo
moh doo ji na gan keu gi eok sok eh seo
nae ga na reul ah peu geh ha myo noon mool eul man deul chyo
*na man keum ool ji ahn ki reul keu dae man eun
noon mool eop seo nal pyeon ha geh poh nae joo gi reul
eon jeh ga ta shi dol ah ol
keu da ra neun keol ah gi eh nan mid go it ki eh
gi da ril geh yo nan keu dae yeo ya man ha chyo
I believe nae ga ah pa hal ga pwa
keu dae neun ool ji doh mot haet get chyo
I believe heu reu neun nae noon mool ee
keu dael ta shi nae geh dol ryeo joo ket chyo
ji goo meom choo neun nae noon gil sok eh seo
keu dae moh deup deul ee deo ol ra noon mool eul man deul chyo
nan keu dae al gi jeon ee seh sang doh
ee reoh keh noon poo syot neun ji
keu ha neul ah rae seo ee jen
noon mool roh nam kyo chyeot ji man
ee ja ril nan ji gil keh yo
keu dae ran ee yoo man eu roh na eh geh neun
gi ta rim joh cha choong poon hi haeng bok ha ket chyo
sarang ha ee yoo man eu roh
doh ha roo ga ji na ga go oh neun kil it cheo doh
ki da ril keh yo nan keu dae yeo ya man ha chyo
nan keu dae yeo ya man ha chyo
[ENGLISH - Terjemahan]
I believe... When you are not with me there are no stars in the sky.
I believe... The way back to you will feel a little far.
I'll carry all those memories deep inside me.
I'll feel pain, it'll make tears fall.
When I won't cry you will leave me
With no change and no tears.
Someday again the tears will come around
You know it
I'll believe that you are waiting.
I do it for you.
I believe... It'll hurt me to see, you can't cry.
I believe... My tears will fall, you should turn back to me again.
Again I'll glimpse you come into my sight
And it'll make my tears fall.
When I won't cry you will leave me
With no change and no tears.
Someday again the tears will come around
You know it
I'll believe that you are waiting.
I do it for you.
Before I knew you, the world was dazzling.
From that sky I got left with tears.
I will care for that person.
You are the only reason...
To me the wait gives me enough happiness.
Love is the only reason...
As days pass by,
If you forget the way, I'll be waiting
I do it for you.
I do it for you.
Lirik Lagu A Millioner First Love
Oleh: Youngwoong Jaejoong
barami momun gu shigan jocha
naegen nomu mojarangor
hanbone miso majimag insa haneyo
sarang hamnida guder
shigane jichyodo sarange aphado
gu shigan jocha chuogigo
majimag insa haneyo
sarang hamnida sarang hamnida HA~
Fly away, fly away love HOO~
Fly away, fly away love
Fly away, fly away love
ne senge dan hanbone saranga annyong
La la, la la, la la, la la
La la, la la, la la
La la, la la, la la, la la... (fade)
17. In Sa
Oleh: Lee Yun Hee
barami momun gu shigan jocha
naegen nomu mojarangor
hanbone miso majimag insa haneyo
sarang hamnida guder
shigane jichyodo sarange aphado
gu shigan jocha chuogigo
majimag insa haneyo
sarang hamnida sarang hamnida HA~
Fly away, fly away love HOO~
Fly away, fly away love
Fly away, fly away love
ne senge dan hanbone saranga annyong
20. In Sa
Oleh: Dong Bang Shin Ki
barami momun gu shigan jocha
naegen nomu mojarangor
hanbone miso majimag insa haneyo
sarang hamnida guder
shigane jichyodo sarange aphado
gu shigan jocha chuogigo
majimag insa haneyo
sarang hamnida sarang hamnida
Fly away, fly away love HOO~
Fly away, fly away love
Fly away, fly away love
ne senge dan hanbone saranga annyong
HA~ Fly away..
[ENGLISH - Terjemahan]
Even the time when the wind stopped
Was truly not enough for me
One smile, a final greeting
I’m in love, with you
Even if time tires us, even if love hurts us
Those times will become memories as well
We’re greeting one another for the final time
I love you, I love you
To the one and only love of my life
Lirik Lagu Love Story in Harvard
Oleh: Kim Jung Woon
Spring, summer, fall & winter dreams
Those are shinning like a star
They keep whispering,
I’m so in love with you
Spring, summer, fall & winter love
It is breezing to my heart
and it keeps telling
I’ll make you rainbow smile
I remember when we were angels
when we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
just like a snowy christmas
I wish i’d have them always
Every step i make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life
and missing friends of my time
I Wish i’d have them all
In Spring, summer, fall & winter days
we’ve been sharing all the hearts
love shines in my eyes
love just won’t fade away
I remember when we were angels
when we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
just like a snowy christmas
I wish i’d have them always
Every step i make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life
and missing friends of my time
I Wish i’d have them all
If you’d all the way show me the world
where I will stay in love
All my days will be white
just like a snowy christmas
You’re just all I need
09. nuh eh gyut eu ro (right beside you)
Oleh: Park Young Min
ottonsaramdo naegen otton-giokdo naegen
chigum nobota sojunghal-sunun-opso
niga sulpumyon nae gasumun munojyo
noye nunmureun naega chugulmankum apa
ma-nhi wero-ulttae / nunmulboda usumsul boyotji
naege kidae-un noyege himidweju-go-shipo
narul mido-jugenni
han-gorumshing noyege naega tagagago-itja-nha
saranghagi wehaeso hamkkehago shiposo
sesang gu nuguboda kuge nukkyojinun han saram
hangsang nae kkumsoge sumshwinun no
cha-rhae-chugo shipunde kuge andwelttae-isso
mamun aninde apugehal-ttae-isso
nae-ane-sarang modu nege-churyomyon
yongwo-nhi anun shigani piryohalkkoya
ma-nhun-saram-chu-nge uri-sororul ara-pon-goya
kujobogo-manissodo weroga dwenun-saram
misojtkehanun noya
han-gorumshing noyege naega tagagago-itja-nha
saranghagi wehaeso hamkkehago shiposo
sesang gu nuguboda kuge nukkyojinun han saram
hangsang nae kkumsoge sumshwinun no
nae ma-umul nukkilsu-inni
norul wihaesoramyon salsodo chugulsudo-isso
nae shimjanunojing no hnsaramman giokhae
onjekkaji nomanel cho-unsaramdwelkoya
yongwo-hi nae gyote momullojwo
nol mannam-ol gamsahae
Lirik Lagu Auntumn in my hearth
Oleh: Jong IlYoung
naege dwidurasoji marayo
naye no-neul boa-yo
on sesang hayah-don ku ddae-ye yangsogi-jjonnayo
wae nal pugiharyo go hajyo
ku-daen kuge shwibnayo
nae-geman irohke… aryo-unil in-gon-gayo
cho-umbuto urinun shijak dwe-oson
andwenun sara-ngi-rago
nunmulsokkin ae-woni to-uk kudae-rul
noh-ul suga inneyo
nae-geso kudae-nun sara-jyo-son andwenun
bicho-ossumul anayo
kudae-ga ttonamyon naye modun sesangdo
sarajindonun-gol i-jji-nun marayo
sumul shwigo shipoyo ku-dae sarang a-neso
ku-dae saeng-gang-manuro usumi nayo
nae-gen himi dwe-oyo
ku-dae saeng-gangmanuro nunmuri nayo
modun gochi duryowo
nae-geso kudae-nun sara-jyo-son andwenun
bicho-ossumul anayo
kudae-ga ttonamyon naye modun sesangdo
sarajindonun-gol i-jji-nun marayo
sumul shwigo shipoyo ku-dae sarang a-neso
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
Don’t turn away from me!
Look into my eyes
All the world is white
Have you forgotten the promise you made?
Why have you given up on me?
You did that so easily
But to me it was so difficult
From the beginning
We had a love that shouldn’t have been started
My tears are mixed with pleading
That I can’t put more of myself into you
* You mustn’t disappear from my life
Know that you are my light
If you leave, you take away my whole world
Don’t forget that it will all disappear
I want to breathe
From in your love…
I smile whenever I think of you
It becomes so hard on me
I cry whenever I think of you
I’m scared of everything
Gido (Prayer)
Oleh: Jeong Il Young
hokshi narul tto naryonun kudae-mami
himdun narul wihyae-so kuron iyo-in-gayo
harumankum morojyodo dwaen-chanayo
kudae oni issodo sara-ngin-gol midoyo
kuddaen nan mijyo mollatjyo
narul bodon kudae nunbit
chagun kudae okkae-jochodo
ana jul su optdon nae-ga shi-rhotjyo
onjekkaji sul-pu-nun-myo-ngu-ril kallanohado
tto dashi kudae mamul urrijinun hanhulke-eyo
otton kotdo naye kudael dae-shinal su obkiye
ijenun kudae-boda sojunghan-gan naege optdon-gol anayo
narul bomyo unnun kudae gu misoga
naegen nomuna bokshan kuron haeng-bokhin-karyo
to kaggayi ki-dae wado kwaen-chanayo
ku-dae sub-kyol nukkinun chigumi sun-ganchorom
Repeat *
Repeat **
onjekkajina yogi issoyo
chagun sun-kil tangnun kose
kudae sarangi narul bollotjyo kudae yoturo
onjekkaji sul-pu-nun-myo-ngu-ril kallanohado
tto dashi kudae mamul urrijinun hanhulke-eyo
otton kotdo naye kudael dae-shinal su obkiye
ijenun kudae-boda sojunghan-gan naege optdon-gol
[ENGLISH – Terjemahan]
Maybe your heart will leave me
That would be a reason for me to stress
It is okay if you become more distant each day
Wherever you are, believe in love
I didn’t know then that I was crazy
Your gaze as you look at me
Even your small shoulders
I hated not being able to hug you
Woo- woh woo woh
Even though we are separated by a sad destiny
I won’t make your heart cry again
Nothing can substitute for you
Just know now that there is nothing more precious to me than you
Your smile as you look at me and laugh
It is so overwhelming that it makes me happy
It is okay to hope to come even closer
Like this moment now when I feel your breath
I didn’t know then that I was crazy
Your gaze as you look at me
Even your small shoulders
I hated not being able to hug you
Woo- woh woo woh
* Repeat
I am always here
As you reach out your hand
You love calls to me
Beside you, woo- woh woo woh
* Repeat